Our highest priority is to know and bring glory to the triune God. He is our first audience and final authority (John 17:3; Romans 11:36).
We delight in studying and proclaiming the Bible, God’s inspired, inerrant, authoritative, and sufficient Word. We believe it is the primary source for spiritual truth, the final authority on all matters of faith and life, and has the power to transform our lives (2 Timothy 3:16–17; Hebrews 4:12).
Fruitful ministry requires continual prayer—both individual and corporate. We are committed to ongoing prayer for God’s direction and blessing as we seek to do His will. Prayer is ministry (Luke 10:2; Colossians 4:2-4; 2 Thessalonians 3:1).
We believe congregational worship should reflect the majesty of the God we seek. Whether it’s contemporary praise music or rich hymns from church history, we want to sing from the depths of our hearts “how great is our God” (Psalm 47, 98; Colossians 3:16). Corporate worship is not only through song and prayer, but reaches its summit in expositional preaching (2 Timothy 4:1–2).
We believe that authentic biblical community, characterized by honest relationships and unconditional love, should be the normal experience for every believer. We understand the necessity of living holy lives, and acknowledge our responsibility to stimulate one another to love and good deeds (John 15:12; Romans 14:1; Galatians 6:1-2; Hebrews 10:19-25).
We believe that a passion for truth must include a love for people. Teaching is not an end in itself. True Christian teaching must be an expression of love to God and neighbor. True Christian learning has as its goal greater love of God and neighbor (Romans 12:1–2; 2 Corinthians 4:5; 1 Thessalonians 2:8; 1 Timothy 1:5).
We recognize that strong churches come from strong families and seek to strengthen the Kingdom by securing the home. We strive to equip parents and children to have healthy family relationships within a biblical family model. Additionally, we want to help singles and individuals without families find a very real sense of family within our church (Psalm 127; Ephesians 6:4).
We affirm that leadership in the church is a gift given by the Spirit of God. We will seek to encourage, affirm, and train all those who demonstrate leadership gifts to prepare them for larger spheres of ministry influence whether at Providence or another field throughout the world (Romans 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 12:1-11; Ephesians 4:11-12).
We believe God has called us to go into our neighborhoods, work places, and schools to be effective witnesses for Christ, sharing his message in word and deed. We strive to be salt and light, believing that the gospel can influence culture for the glory of God (Matthew 5:13-16; 1 Peter 2:13–17).
All people matter to God; therefore, they must matter to us. We are devoted to the good news of forgiveness and reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ, the only message of life for the world. Further, we accept the challenge of taking this message to those who need it regardless of where that may be whether in Southern Indiana or across the globe. It is the congregation’s responsibility and delight to share the Gospel with others, and the responsibility of the leadership to train and encourage them (Matthew 13:44-46; 28:18-20; Luke 5:30-32; Acts 1:8; Romans 10:14–17; 1 Corinthians 9:19-23).